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Our Church Runs On Volunteers

Sunday mornings are busy here at PPC - it takes a committed team to serve our church community. From parking lot ushers who move you through the grounds, to the musicians who make Sundays come to life, we want to make your first visit memorable, as well as provide you with opportunities to serve should you make PPC your home. Get involved today!



If you enjoy welcoming, praying, and getting to know newcomers, the Welcome centre is the place for you to get involved! Located in our upper lobby, the Welcome Centre is open every Sunday, where Pastors, Volunteers, and new comers gather after service



Every wonder what goes on behind the scenes on Sundays? Our production team is a set of volunteers gifted with technical and creative skills to make sure that our service looks and sounds good. Production volunteers work to make our in-house and online service run smooth, from camera operators to sounds techs to ProPresenter editors and more, Production is the place to get involved if you have an eye, or ear, for detail.



Do you hear that? It's the beautiful sound that comes from our stage of talented singers and musicians. Our team is packed with a range of talented voices and hands that make Sundays come to life with the music that they make to worship God. If you have experience with singing or play an instrument (or multiple!) WA is the place for you to get involved.



Walking into a new church for the first time can be intimidating. As a greeter, you are to be the friendly face that offers a warm smile, fist bump, or hug to anyone and everyone looking to make a connection at PPC.



Our ushering team works in tandem with our greeters. They are the ones who help create an environment where everyone can participate without distraction on a Sunday morning. Ushers make sure that event and welcome cards are handed out, signs for giving are held up, they guide people to their seats, and answer questions. If you want to make sure people get the most out of our services, volunteering as an usher will be right for you.



We intentionally engage with everyone that comes to PPC. Being the first person people see when they arrive at church, gives you as a parking lot usher, the opportunity to give directions to drives and answer any questions visitors and guests may have. Parking lot ushers also assist everyone from parents with children, to the physically challenged who may require special assistance. 


Early Retiree Volunteers

Wondering what to do now that you’re retired?

ENCORE is now your place to be!


Encore ministries was created to link those who are able to serve in a greater capacity, with ministries in our community. We want to make a difference in the Ajax/Pickering area by aligning ourselves with organizations such as WINGS Maternity Home and Christians Against Poverty (CAP). Additionally there are endless opportunities to be involved, such as visitation, meal preparation and school breakfast club programs.


We invite you to GET INVOLVED!

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